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Occupational Therapy (OT) is a vital healthcare service designed to assist children with physical, Disorder (ASD), sensory, or cognitive challenges. Our dedicated team is here to support children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Speech Delay, Global Developmental Delay (GDD), Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD), and more.

Does your child react poorly to sudden movements, touches, loud noises, or bright lights? Have trouble balancing, seem clumsy, or struggle with social cues? Do they chew on objects or constantly seek thrills? These are signs of Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD) that our Occupational Therapy can address.

By enrolling in our program, your child will have the opportunity to improve their balance, social interactions, and overall sensory processing, ensuring they receive the comprehensive support they need.

Why Choose Us?

We’ve made significant investments in creating a sensory room, particularly benefiting children with SPD. This space is included in our occupational therapy and other intervention programs, featuring a sensory bubble tube, cushioned flooring, a trampoline with a safety handle, a tunnel, a balancing beam, and other essential equipment. We can create sensory-rich or sensory reduced environments, adjusting the degree to suit each child’s unique needs.

Sensory bubble tube has been installed in Grace House to enhance a child’s visual perceptual skills.

At Grace House, a child is joyfully engaged in Occupational Therapy, bouncing on a trampoline. This activity not only brings smiles but also helps improve motor skills and coordination.

Our Grace House Occupational Therapist uses a bouncing gym ball for fun balancing exercises, enhancing the child’s balance and core strength.

The Lycra swing in Grace House centre is designed to enhance a child’s motor skills and sensory integration.

A child carefully navigates the balancing beam under the full supervision of a certified Occupational Therapist at the Grace House centre.

Grace House Occupational Therapy aims to improve wrist function and enhance handwriting skills.