Tips to Improve PCI
• Parent-Child Interaction (PCI) plays an important role in your child’s speech and language development. Studies have shown that the lack of interaction between parents and children leads to several social-communication related problems while positive PCI decreases the chance of problematic behaviors in children like aggression and tantrums.
1. Provide Time and Attention.
For parents, no matter how tired you are, remember to spend adequate time with your child. Spending at least 15 minutes will make a huge difference to your child’s development.

2. Always Respond to Your Child.
When interacting with your child, respond when they attempt to talk to you. Encourage your child. Give them rewards for something they have done well. A reward doesn’t have to mean something expensive. A praise is also a reward, so is a slice of fruit. Rewards are given just so that your child knows that they have done something right or well and they are encouraged to repeat the positive behaviour.

3. Have Eye Contact.
Get down to your child’s eye level to make eye contact when interacting. It lets the person your child talking to know that they are important to you.

4. Use Child Directed Speech.
For younger children, parents may use short simple sentences for easier understanding. Exaggerate your speech and use different tones when speaking to them. (e.g., Wow, It’s sooo GOOD!”)

5. Be Your Child’s Role Model.
Set a good example for your child.

Adapted from article in 4th issue of Grace House Magazine, written by Jou Ling Teoh, Speech-Language Therapist in Penang, Malaysia.