Professional Written Materials
Our professional clinical handouts are developed by qualified and experienced Speech-Language Therapists. Each handout is individualised according to each client’s needs. We do provide clinical reports, i.e. Initial Assessment Report, Progress Reports and Clinical Summary. An Initial Assessment Report typically includes the assessment results, diagnosis, and prognosis of in addition to recommendations for a client. Progress Reports typically include details for previous therapy sessions, such as what therapy approaches have been conducted and how the client has progressed. We provide a Clinical Summary every 10 therapy sessions. Last but not least, our speech-language therapy magazine, Grace House Magazine, aims to fit reading easily into your busy schedule. You can read them during your spare time, or even when you only have one minute to rest, because our writing team is caring enough to keep our reading material in bite-size portion. Instead of serving you with a heavy load of jargon, we take your understanding into consideration by converting our messages into layman language, yet without losing the touch of professionalism. Ring us at Grace House Careline 0111-6062185 if you don’t understand certain words in our magazine/handout, we will be more than happy to explain them to you!