To purchase, kindly fill in our contact form or send us an email at or contact us at Grace House Careline 0111-6062185. Each magazine is RM30, excluding shipping fee. Shipping fee will vary according to state. As the whole initiative cost is high, we are happy to receive donations, no matter the size of it, to keep our publishing momentum as high as possible. We have invested a lot of time and energy into production, publishing, printing, marketing, and distribution efforts. We also have an electronic platform for the magazine. Visit our official Shopee virtual shop. Please bear in mind that the shipping period will take one week. If you are in Kuala Lumpur, wanting to save on the shipping fee and get a quick look at our Grace House Magazine, please feel free to drop by our centre and grab your copy!
The initiative of publishing magazine will be fragile without the support from you. We hope you can join us, either through writing, editing, sponsoring or distributing. If you are an extrovert, you are welcomed to join our “Life is A Book”, a column in the magazine that features professionals from a variety of disciplines. We interviewed a Visual Designer and a Singaporean Senior Speech-Language Therapist in the first and second issue respectively. If you love to polish articles, by all means do offer your expertise in our publication. Our publication journey is stable and steady, safeguarded by our established licensing, hence don’t worry about you missing the chance to offer.
You can also get our Grace House Magazine in Malacca from Bconnect Speech Therapy, and in Kuantan and Kuala Lumpur from Grace House